Friday 18 September 2009


Can I just say I feel a leeetle bit giddy right now.

And no it's not because it's National Speak Like a Pirate day tomorrow (Arrr, so it be, Arrr).

No, no nor is it because I got paid again today (I know, Again!).

And, no, wrong again, it's not because I saw a girl wearing a mac with small poodles on it this morning (Poodles hee hee).

It is in fact because people are looking at this blog and commenting on it. I have four, count 'em, FOUR followers now! And comments on stuff what I wrote and everyfink.

This. Feels. Great.

I'm giving you all a big virtual bear hug right now (i'm pretty tall so it'll be a good one) *squeeze*. Can you feel it? *squeeeeeze*

This is for you, you sure do deserve it.

Oh and the above cuuuute book is available at Etsy here.

Have a super weekend people. You rock.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Congrats on all your followers. :)

    I am kinda sad, I only have 2 (myself included) :p

    And I have been doing it for a long time.. sigh.

    Oh well, love your blog. Keep going!
