Monday, 28 September 2009

The Diagnosis and The Dress.

Afternoon dear readers.

I must say I had quite the loveliest weekend which involved (in no particular order) shopping, an art exhibition, watching one of my favourite films (Little Black Book), my brother and his girlfriend coming down from Norwich to visit, macaroons (more on which below), badminton, gardening and jogging.

Ok, so back to you macaroons. Sure you're enticing with your pretty colours and your interesting layers and nice, sugary smell. But boy are you sweet. I could only manage half of mine (granted I did pick a huge one in the shop but that's not the point) and I looove sweet things. Sadly, the end result after I had nibbled my way through a fair amount of said pistachio macaroon looked like I had sneezed onto the plate which is never an appetising look it has to be said.

Verdict? Love them for their contrary-to-logic-regarding-colours-which-can-safely-be-eaten look but bit too sweet for my sweet tooth. We live and learn people.

For the record, I am willing to turn this into a 'what I ate and what I thought of it' blog so if you have any suggestions as to what you would like me to try feel free to ask.

On Saturday I bought this dress. I tried The Dress on and felt truly wonderful. Why don't all my clothes make me feel like this? Like a grown up. Like a glamorous elegant woman instead of the geeky, clumsy, goofy girl I normally feel like. Somehow I know when I actually wear The Dress out (instead of just prancing about my bedroom in it) something real special is going to happen.

Had a weird 'epiphany' moment when watching Little Black Book at the weekend (so much Carly Simon has that effect on me) which I shall attempt to formulate into coherent sentences then discuss later in the week if that's OK with you?

Until next time.


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