Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Another day, another job hunt.

A few months ago I was sure I would be employed by the end of August. However, as is often the case with these strange feelings of certainty one has about the future, the end of August has come and gone and I am still without a job. I can't believe it will be too much longer before I get a job - if it is, then Christmas presents will consist primarily of hand knitted scarfs (I can only knit in straight lines) and copious amounts of paper mache with glitter.

I'm trying to view my time without work as an opportunity to pursue my other interests which have had to take a definite back seat whilst I have been studying. This is one of the reasons I started this blog in the first place. I personally enjoy blogs which are, without sounding too corny, 'from the heart', and not just how perfect life is. Hopefully this blog will be like that too - things which make me smile and I enjoy coupled with my reality.

I enjoyed the long weekend just gone. Had a mini splurge on DVD purchasing - Yes Man (very very funny although not a particularly accurate representation of the book), Little Blackbook (one of my favourites - possibly for it's abundance of Carly Simon songs) and The Mystic Pizza (how could I resist a film with that name I ask you?).

I also accidentally bought the American InStyle magazine at the weekend. It was interesting to see how different American magazines are to English ones. Came across the phrase "Jonesing it" - never heard of this before. Can only assume it's to do with keeping up with the Joneses? The mysteries of the English language across the pond eh.

Plus my raspberry plant continues to blossom and I hope it wont be too long before I get some fruit.

I leave you with a little gift which made me laugh, hopefully you will too

Here you go

Lots more giggle inducing Beartato here

Have a nice day


  1. Hi! Jonesing usually means wanting something very badly. Sometimes covetously, sometimes desire.

    Found your blog because you like to dance with abandon too.

    Good luck on the job hunt!

  2. I got a good laugh when you say "The mysteries of the English language across the pond eh." because I have been looking at your blog from over here across the pond and am enjoying the cadence of your writing and your extra u's in your words. Very "not american" but very enjoyable. I will add you to my blogroll, keep it up :)
