I love halloween, all the dressing up, the sweets, the chocolates, the pumpkins, the allowing of my Harry Potter obsession to emerge in its full glory without too many raised eyebrows- well basically I think it's just great.
My sister and I always carve pumpkins for halloween. I'm better at the scraping out but she is better at the faces. Last year my pumpkin face was pretty darn cute, but hers was so unbelievably uber adorable it made mine look super evil!
Halloween also reminds me of a very funny Spongebob Squarepants episode (that's right I love Spongebob) "These are my street clothes!" is an oft quoted phrase in my house.
Also, this article re all things gourd absolutely cracked me up: IT'S DECORATIVE GOURD SEASON, MOTHERF***ERS!
On the other end of the spectrum this hat is cute, granted I probably would never wear it in public but it would make a good night cap, no?
pumpkin hat available here
Happy Halloween!!
ps. Thankyou follower number 8 - woop woop!
pps. BOO!! Muhahaha!
And a Happy Halloween to you. I love the mini pumpkin and cute little face.