Thursday, 27 August 2009

Collecting things

I spent most the morning tidying. There are few things that give me more quiet contentment than a well organised draw or an organised folder. (perhaps this is why I enjoyed University so much - there was endless opportunities to tidy notes and folders!)

I collected seeds from our wild violets and lathyrus latifolius (perennial sweet peas) today. The wild violet seedpods open like small stars when they are ready to scatter their seeds. The seeds are tiny, they can't be more than a millimetre across and when they are ripe they jump out of their pod. I keep hearing tiny pops as they explode in the small brown envelope I'm storing them in.

I've also been listening to some Richard Bandler seminars. If you havn't heard of him before he is one of the founders of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) . His enthusiasm is infectious and you can't help but feel more motivated after listening to him. Everyone has an inner monologue and he says that if you want to get on and do something you need a big booming voice and a magnificent back up track to get you going - he recommended a mixture between a Wagner opera, a 50 piece orchestra, a gospel choir and the best rock music you ever heard. He makes the point that if your inner voice is whiny and weedy you'll never even leave the house! If you get a chance to hear any of his talks or read his books I would thoroughly recommend it.

I am however annoyed that people are becoming employed and I am remaining unemployed.
What's a girl to do hey?
I think some Wagnarian orchestral gospel rock is in order.
Or perhaps I'll just make a start on that chocolate bar...


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