Thursday, 28 January 2010

Bad Medicine.

It's time to stop taking these pills.

Image via Red Lips and Ice Cream

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Shiny Happy.

I've always had a soft spot for Elephants.
This necklace is real pretty.

Available from SeaUnicorn on Etsy (loads of other lovelies there too).


Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Glass Half Full?

Listening to:
Leisure Society album
Michel Thomas teaching Spanish

Book on Insolvency Law (teaching it to myself)
Book on Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
'A Brief History of Time' by Stephen Hawkings

Spaced on DVD
Inspector Morse on DVD

My journal
This Blog
A children's book

Why does my glass feel half empty?


Image via here

I Wonder...

Red Lips and IceCream

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Summer dreams.

This picture makes me feel as though I am sitting in the backseat of a car in the summer as it drives past fields under bright blue skies and warm breezes. Windows open. Music drifting. Mind drifting. Cheshire cat smile.
Memories are made of this.

IMG_0006 by megalithicmatt.

Image from here

Thursday, 14 January 2010


Why is it that the simpler the thing you want, the more difficult it is to attain?

All I want is to be loved - when no-one is there to love you
I just want to get some sleep - when insomnia becomes your bedfellow
I'm simply looking for a pair of jeans - when the twentieth pair you have tried on still isn't right

I just want a job - when nothing is out there.

I sometimes wonder if God (or Budda, or Allah or whoever or whatever else it is to believe in) has made me unemployed to test me and to make me grow. I sure as hell have been tested and I like to think I have grown and learnt and experienced (even bad experiences are experience at the end of the day).
So Please just let me have a decent job, preferably a permanent one.


Patience is not one of my many shining virtues.


Picture via Red Lips and IceCream

Friday, 8 January 2010


I am still here (somewhere).
Thank you for not running away because I have been so useless on the blogging front for the past three or four weeks.
I hope you had a merry merry christmas (that seems a looong time ago doesn't it?).
I hope you are having a happy new year so far.

I have been writing my book
and looking for work
and working out what goes on in my mind
and staying out of the snow that has made England look like it has been involved in a huge foam party
and doing Pilates to stop my neck from being so achey.

I'll be back properly next week or the week after my dears.


Image from annabellp on flickr