Why is it that the simpler the thing you want, the more difficult it is to attain?
All I want is to be loved - when no-one is there to love you
I just want to get some sleep - when insomnia becomes your bedfellow
I'm simply looking for a pair of jeans - when the twentieth pair you have tried on still isn't right
I just want a job - when nothing is out there.
I sometimes wonder if God (or Budda, or Allah or whoever or whatever else it is to believe in) has made me unemployed to test me and to make me grow. I sure as hell have been tested and I like to think I have grown and learnt and experienced (even bad experiences are experience at the end of the day).
So Please just let me have a decent job, preferably a permanent one.
Patience is not one of my many shining virtues.
Picture via Red Lips and IceCream